Genecradle Therapeutics CO.,LTD.
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GeneCradle was listed in the "2023 China Venture Capital Top 100 Companies" and "China Medical List Top 10 Most Promising New Gene Therapy Companies"



In December 2023, Beijing GeneCradle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "GeneCradle") was listed in two industry lists in succession, namely the "Huayi List·2023 Cell and Gene Therapy Industry Grand Plan List-Top 10 Most Promising New Gene Therapy Companies" initiated by Yiyun Technology, Pinhe Medical, and Bio Valley, and the 2023 "Venture List·Sharp Companies 100" list released by ChinaVenture Information.

The "Huayi List·2023 Cell and Gene Therapy Industry Grand Plan List" was initiated by Yiyun Technology, Pinhe Medical, and Bio Valley, and was released at the InnoXBio Biomedical Industry Ecosystem Conference and the First Greater Bay Area Cell Gene Therapy Development Forum held in Guangzhou on December 7, 2023. The list is selected by Huayi Research Institute to explore innovative companies with real investment value and growth potential in the field of cell gene therapy. The list focuses on innovative drug research and development fields such as gene therapy, cell therapy and stem cell therapy. GeneCradle, as a key company in the field of AAV gene drug research and development, has been listed in the Chinese Medical List: Top 10 Most Promising New Gene Therapy Companies.

The "ChinaVenture List·Sharp Companies 100" list was initiated by ChinaVenture Research Institute and released through online channels on December 8, 2023. The list is selected based on three dimensions: external attention, industry synergy, and industry influence. It comprehensively conducts registration collection, questionnaire surveys, industry expert visits, and data analysis to comprehensively select 100 innovative technology companies with the most innovation and growth potential of the year. The list focuses on and covers multiple technological innovation fields such as cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, semiconductor chips, biomedicine, medical devices, smart healthcare, and enterprise services. GeneCradle, as a representative company in the field of gene therapy, has been listed on the "ChinaVenture List·Sharp Companies 100" list in 2023.

About GeneCradle

Beijing GeneCradle Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise with the development of gene therapy drugs mediated by AAV vector delivery technology as its core business. Its mission is to promote China's rare disease gene drugs from basic to clinical and market, benefiting patients and families. The company focuses on the development of gene therapy drugs in the fields of hereditary neuromuscular diseases, genetic metabolic diseases, lysosomal diseases and ophthalmic diseases. By promoting the development and clinical application of rare disease gene drugs, it has a deeper understanding of life and health, and has transitioned gene therapy technology and products from rare diseases to the treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases and other major diseases.