Genecradle Therapeutics CO.,LTD.
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Forum Report | GeneCradle founder Dr. Wu Xiaobing was invited to attend the 2023 Beijing International Child Neurology Forum Academic Report Content Review



On April 8, 2023, Dr. Wu Xiaobing, founder and chairman of GeneCradle, was invited to attend the "2023 Beijing International Child Neurology Forum" hosted by the Beijing Ivy Medical High-end Talent Alliance and organized by the Department of Pediatrics of Peking University First Hospital. The forum invited famous scholars from home and abroad in the field of child neurology to participate and jointly introduce the latest international and domestic progress in child neurology.

Dr. Wu Xiaobing gave an academic report titled "Gene Therapy Strategies and Clinical Considerations for Pediatric Genetic Diseases" at the Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease/Neurogenetic Disease Session. The content of the academic report mainly included the progress of gene therapy, AAV gene therapy technology, gene therapy drug development process, gene therapy strategies for rare childhood diseases, and key points to consider in clinical trials.

Dr. Wu Xiaobing gave an on-site academic report

In his report, Dr. Wu Xiaobing first introduced the development history of gene therapy drugs and the major milestones of gene therapy drugs at home and abroad in recent years. He then focused on the main features of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors as ideal vectors for gene therapy drug delivery, pointing out that gene therapy will gradually bid farewell to the era of simple design, and that more and more issues need to be considered in drug design. He also gave a detailed introduction to the development progress of AAV-specific shell platform technology, the relationship between AAV content activity determination methods and clinical dose design, and the structure and composition of AAV drugs. In addition, Dr. Wu Xiaobing introduced the main process of gene therapy drug research and development and the differences between AAV drugs and traditional drugs. Finally, Dr. Wu Xiaobing introduced the drug design and development strategy for gene therapy drugs for rare diseases in children, and pointed out that the choice of treatment strategy determines the way drugs are used in clinical treatment.

About GeneCradle

Beijing GeneCradle Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise with AAV vector delivery technology-mediated gene therapy drug development as its core business. Its mission is to promote China's rare disease gene drugs from basic to clinical and market, benefiting patients and families. The company focuses on the development of gene therapy drugs in the fields of hereditary neuromuscular diseases, genetic metabolic diseases, lysosomal diseases and ophthalmic diseases. By promoting the development and clinical application of rare disease gene drugs, it has a deeper understanding of life and health, and has transitioned gene therapy technology and products from rare diseases to the treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases and other major diseases.