Genecradle Therapeutics CO.,LTD.
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Good news! GeneCradle has been recognized as a national high-tech enterprise



Beijing GeneCradle Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the "National High-tech Enterprise" certificate (certificate number: GR202211003834) jointly issued by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau and Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation. This is a national qualification certification obtained by GeneCradle and a major honor that is a milestone in the development of GeneCradle.

National high-tech enterprises refer to enterprises that continuously conduct research and development and achievement transformation within the scope of high-tech fields that are key supported by the state, and have formed independent core intellectual property rights, and based on this, they carry out business activities, transform major high-tech achievements into productivity, and their technical level is domestically leading or internationally advanced. High-tech enterprise certification must be strictly organized and reviewed by the national, provincial and municipal science and technology authorities. In addition to examining the overall business performance of the enterprise, it also focuses on the comprehensive assessment and selection of important indicators such as the enterprise's innovation ability, scientific and technological research and development strength, organizational management level, product technology content, achievement transformation ability and enterprise growth.

As a company focused on the development of gene therapy drugs mediated by AAV vector delivery technology, GeneCradle's successful passing of multiple rounds of screening and final recognition is a high recognition of the company's comprehensive strength by the government and all sectors of society. It demonstrates that GeneCradle has strong technological innovation capabilities in the field of gene therapy and is a high-growth innovative enterprise that is key supported by the state.

National recognition is not only an honor for the GeneCradle team, but also a driving force for progress. In the future, GeneCradle will continue to improve its innovation capabilities, strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and strive to promote the development of gene therapy technology and clinical progress, so that gene therapy drugs can be closer to patients and benefit more patients as soon as possible.

About GeneCradle
Beijing GeneCradle Technology Co., Ltd. is a biotechnology platform company focusing on the innovative research and development of gene therapy drugs. It focuses on the research and development of gene therapy products in the fields of hereditary neuromuscular diseases, genetic metabolic diseases, lysosomal diseases and ophthalmic diseases mediated by AAV vector delivery technology. With the mission of promoting China's rare disease gene drugs from basic to clinical and market, it is committed to turning "no drug to cure" into "once and for all" cure, benefiting patients and families. Through the research and development and clinical application of rare disease gene drugs, we can have a deeper understanding of life and health, and transition to the treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases and other major diseases.